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Witkoppen Clinic fills a life-changing gap in Johannesburg’s far northern suburbs. Our multidisciplinary professional team offers a unique, holistic approach to meet the medical, social and psychological needs of beneficiaries. 

This registered non-profit company (NPC) has been operating since 1946. Since then, we’ve been committed to increasing access to essential primary healthcare and social services to people regardless of their race, gender or creed. 

We serve a population of more than 1.4 million residents. Most of our beneficiaries come from informal settlements where they are faced with poverty and unemployment and are at risk of communicable and non-communicable diseases. 

Witkoppen has a Section 18A tax exemption status, and is an exempted micro-enterprise Level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) contributor with a certified beneficiary base of more than 99% black beneficiaries. 

Our vision
To be the best primary healthcare (preventative and curative) and social service provider in South Africa that researches, innovates and responds to evidence-based best practice.

Our mission
To provide excellent, patient-centric primary healthcare and social services in response to the needs of our community, especially those without medical insurance. We leverage our influence beyond service delivery – to improve healthcare across South Africa.

Key Objectives

  • Healthcare as a human right, improving access to quality patient-centric healthcare
  • Addressing social and structural drivers of prevention, care and treatment
  • Prevention of disease
  • Sustaining wellness

What makes Witkoppen Clinic different?

  • Our holistic approach to care, treatment and support, where we first address the medical and social needs of the patient and then address these needs in relation to the patient and his or her family
  • We facilitate continuum of care through partnerships and referrals, thereby further enhancing quality of life
  • Our public and private partnership initiatives
  • Our ongoing collaborations with other civil society organisations
  • Witkoppen Clinic is unique in that we are the only facility offering comprehensive health and welfare services in Region A
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