Witkoppen Clinic cannot operate without the support of our partners and donors! Thank you to the following donors for their continued support:
- Adcock Ingram
- Anova Health Institute
- Bank of America
- Discovery Fund
- Drs Bloch and Partners, Radiologists at Sandton Clinic.
- Gauteng Department of Health
- Gauteng Department of Social Development
- George Elkin Charity Trust
- Gift of Hope
- Go2Africa
- Goodman Gallery
- Indaba Hotel
- Lancet Laboratories
- Lupo Bakery
- Mary Nash Memorial Trust
- PEPFAR (The United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief)
- RB Hagart Trust
- Robert Niven Trust
- St Michael’s Church, Bryanston
- Tiger Brands
- ThermoFisher Scientific
- Twinsaver Group
- USAID South Africa